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The NATO Senior Joint Engineers Conference 2013 (NSJEC 13)

This year’s NSJEC took place in Izmir, Turkey over the period 9th – 10th October 2013.  The Engineer School and Training Centre Command of the Turkish Land Forces hosted the event. 
The NATO Senior Joint Engineers’ Conference provides a forum for senior engineers, particularly those from the NATO Command Structure (NCS) and NATO Force Structure (NFS), to develop a common vision and objectives for the development of NATO military engineering.  It is held annually (usually in Oct), lasts for 1.5 days and brings together the senior engineers from the NCS, the NFS and NATO and partner nations. The conference is chaired by Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff C2 Joint Deployment & Sustainment, from HQ SACT and the following topics were represented:
  • NATO HQ (IS and IMS as appropriate),
  • HQ Allied Command Operations (ACO) SHAPE Chief Engr 
  • National Delegates (Joint Chief Engineers or Chief Engineers/Representatives mandated to speak for all national Military Engineers) from NATO and Partner Nations
  • Chairman/representatives of the MCLSB MILENG WG.
  • Director NATO MILENG COE
  • Subordinated NATO Command Structure Chief Engineers (JFC HQs, LANDCOM, AIRCOM, MARCOM)
  • NATO Force Structure Chief Engineers
The aim of the NATO Senior Joint Engineers Conference is to enhance the overall MILENG posture of the Alliance. The experience of senior NATO and national engineers is available to direct the development of all aspects of MILENG capability, particularly as this applies to higher level defence planning, concepts, doctrine and standardization.
The conference consists of a few information briefs, to ensure that attendees are aware of developments in NATO policy etc, as well as a number of briefs/discussions about topics on which the guidance of senior engineers is required. This guidance, in the form of recommendations to both Strategic Commands and thence to HQ NATO, will usually be issued as direction by the Military Committee (MC) to the MC Land Standardisation Board MILENG Working Group (MILENG WG), by SACT to the NATO MILENG Centre of Excellence (MILENG COE) and by SHAPE to the subordinated Commands.
The agenda of the conference, administration and registration details can be found by assessing the MILENG COE web site.