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NATO Operational Military Engineering Course (NOMEC)

Upcoming Courses

24/02/202528/02/2025NOMEC 01/2025Ingolstadt
22/09/202526/09/2025NOMEC 02/2025Ingolstadt


NOMEC is a course designed to provide working knowledge regarding the roles, responsibilities and staffing procedures of the MILENG staff elements in order to prepare participants for NATO assignments on Operational and Strategic level.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course students should be able to:

  • Students will have the opportunity to work on MILENG subjects relevant to this level and must complete syndicate tasks designed to improve their knowledge in NATO Planning Procedures, Doctrine and Funding Mechanisms while also improving their skill at working in a multinational environment;

  • Specific Topics include: NATO MILENG Documents and Publications, MILENG Tasks and Responsibilities at different levels of NATO HQ, NATO Operations,  MILENG contribution to Operations Planning Process (OPP), NATO Investment Security Programme (NSIP), NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) roles and responsibilities, MILENG support to Environment Protection and NATO Lessons Identified / Learned process.

Course Length

5 days​

Offerings per year


Class Size

30 max

Security Classification

NATO Unclassified / Releasable to PfP /EU/MD/ICI/AU

Rank Limitation

Military Engineering Staff Officers and  Senior Non-Commissioned Officers (OR 7 and up), which will be the incumbent of a military engineering related post in a static or deployed NATO HQ, including for exercises military engineering staff officers assigned to work in national Joint or Service HQ positions affiliated to NATO or NATO operations.​