Since Romania joined the NATO Partnership for Peace program and became a NATO member in 2004, the Romanian engineer units have been deployed in Bosnia and Herzegovina (one battalion and one EOD platoon) during IFOR and SFOR missions, Iraq (one detachment) and Afghanistan (two engineer platoons and two EOD platoons).

The Romanian engineers participate with personnel in three NATO Centres of Excellence (MILENG, EOD, C-IED) and different NATO Commands and Force Structures (JFC Naples, Allied Land Command Izmir, NRDC Turkey, MND-SE Romania, NFIU Romania) as well as other NATO and regional initiatives like IEL MILU (Infrastructure Engineering for Logistics Multinational Integrated Logistic Unit - with participation of engineers belonging to Romanian, Bulgarian, Croatian and Georgian Armed Forces). Multinational Engineer Battalion „TISA" (with participation of engineers belonging to Romanian, Hungarian, Slovakian and Ukrainean Armed Forces) is also an example of a multinational effort led by our engineers.
Most of the equipment in use by the Romanian engineers was produced by the Romanian defense industry before 1989. A program of modernization of the equipments is now ongoing and it aims for a replacement / upgrading of engineer equipment by the end of 2027.
As for now, the newest pieces of equipment are related to EOD and route clearance (MRAP Cougar, VMR3 mine detectors, Talon robots).